This should only be done if the tip of the child's genitals are not exposed. This is a very serious disease, so from an early age you need to learn how to stretch the foreskin. To achieve good results, you need to start fighting the disease from an early age. If parents do not pay attention to this disease in time, there is a very high possibility that the disease can last a lifetime.
Glad you are interested in the question of how to stretch the foreskin properly. After all, many patients consider that such a procedure is really not effective at all, and after practicing a few times, they simply abandon it. Of course, if you do this infrequently, then it is impossible to talk about any positive results.
Can an adult man get rid of this pathology?
No less important is the problem when it is necessary to lengthen the foreskin of an adult. Exercises can only be performed if narrowing is in the first degree
Please note that lengthening will be possible only if the doctor makes a clear diagnosis - phimosis. In this case, stretching must be done daily, for at least 10 minutes.
It is best to do this while taking a shower. Many patients ask the question: "Is it possible to lengthen the foreskin? "This can be done if the doctor allows it.

How to enlarge your penis: exercises and techniques for performing them
Exercises that are easy to perform at home will help answer the question of how to increase penis size. Today, instructions for implementing them can be found in the relevant literature as well as detailed videos offered in the public domain and many helping Internet resources. Without special devices and exercise equipment, you can add a few centimeters to the length of your penis in just 6 months. It would be more correct to use not just one technique, but combine several at once.
Every goal, especially such a serious goal, must have a clear plan. The implementation plan is based on the following rules:

- avoid excessive stress on the genital organs;
- avoid excessive pressure on the male penis;
- give the reproductive organs an opportunity to adapt to training;
- It is better to start the exercises by doing them every other day;
- Add new exercises every month;
- Gradually increase adhesion density and compression;
- caution and attention in implementation techniques;
- Immediately adjust operations if necessary.
By approaching this process with the utmost seriousness, you can experience for yourself how to enlarge your penis with simple exercises in just 5-6 months.
The penis must be in a comfortable position, cream can be used for lubrication. It is grasped with the palm under the head. He then stretches forward for 5 seconds. It then returns to its original position. Rest 2-3 seconds, repeat the exercise to the right and left. There should be no pain or discomfort during the operation.
A simple exercise based on the following steps:
- Achieve a full erection.
- By spreading your legs wider than your shoulders, the muscles in your pelvic floor will stretch.
- Movements similar to bells are performed alternately, that is, vertically and horizontally.
The duration of the lesson is 1-2 minutes. Over time, the duration can be increased.
In other words, penis lengthening. It is performed during 100% erection. This technique involves squeezing your fingers into a tight ring, moving them toward your head without weakening the tension. The procedure takes 5-7 minutes. You can stop when you feel like you're about to ejaculate.
Kegel exercises
Lesson duration 5 minutes. If the pelvic floor muscles are too tight, the position should be fixed. Next, relax and repeat the tension
To find out which muscles are important to use, you can hold your breath while urinating. Similar sensations will occur when performing manipulations.
flexion of the penis
Flexion exercises will help answer the question of how to enlarge the penis.
Such bending is done with extreme caution. Create excitement 50%
The penis is grasped with the hand and bent in different directions.
When exercising, you should not feel pain, if you do, you should stop exercising.
A simulator is needed here, which will compress the genital organ near the base
It is important to achieve a full erection, then squeeze the penis for a few minutes. The lesson will be effective when combined with other exercises.

Perform gymnastics with strength influence as follows:
- achieve an erection;
- perform movements like when masturbating;
- Before the excitement reaches its climax, use your fingers to squeeze the penis near the head, forming a circle;
- Do not press too hard so as not to cause bruising;
- Fix this position for 5-7 minutes.
This procedure is aimed at maintaining pressure inside the male organ, helping to stretch the corpora cavernosa and fill them with blood.
Supplement to exercises
A set of exercises that help answer the question of how to increase penis size can include exercises on an exercise bike, squats, jogging and walking. In addition to the main goal, these classes also promote blood flow to the pelvis, stabilize potency and overcome erectile problems.

What to do after training
After each workout, you should give this organ a rest, that is, you should not have sex for at least 2-3 hours, and you should also follow these recommendations:
- Avoid bad habits. They lead to disruptions in the functioning of the vascular system, negating any attempts to increase the length of the organ.
- Dress appropriately for the weather to avoid hypothermia and overheating.
- Overcome stressful situations.
- Eat right.
- Exercise more to avoid blood stagnation.
- Combine exercises with stretching equipment, such as a stretching machine.
- In addition to classes, you can use dietary supplements.
- Use weights and other hanging equipment. They gradually stretch muscle tissue.
Surgical method
Surgical intervention is performed if other methods do not bring the desired results. The surgeon will tell you in detail how to increase penis diameter.
Surgery to correct the shape of the reproductive organs is considered one of the most difficult surgeries. Not every man decides to take it because of the high risk of side effects.
There are several methods of penile correction surgery. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.
As part of the lipofilling process, the penis is thickened by injecting fatty tissue taken from other areas of the man's body. The main advantage of the operation is the low probability of material removal.
In most cases, the results last for the rest of your life. But over time, the injected tissues may become thinner. After a while, another operation may be required.

Penis enlargement using surgical techniques is one of the riskiest but effective methods.
The procedure is carried out in several stages:
- Preparation, including passing the necessary tests and passing by various experts.
- Eliminate fat cells in thighs and buttocks;
- Cleans the removed cells from ichor and other impurities.
- Introduce cells uniformly into the penis.
- Wear the bandage during recovery.
Muscle tissue transplant
During the transplant process, muscle tissue is taken from the corset or armpit area. Increasing the volume of the penis is carried out by "wrapping" it in prepared tissue.
They are fixed by suturing the blood vessels. As a result of the procedure, the thickness of the organ increases by 3-4 cm.
Perovik Technique
The most difficult operation is performed using the "perovik" technique. It involves completely separating parts of the genitals to implant a framework of cartilage tissue between them. This type of operation is carried out in extreme cases. This is due to the high possibility of complications.
They include the following:
- Scar formation;
- inflammatory process;
- rejection of foreign tissues;
- decreased organ sensitivity;
- Improper tissue fusion.
Recovery after surgery is long – about 12 months. To stop the inflammatory process, you will first have to take antibiotics. Sexual activity should be limited. If the slightest sign of complications occurs, you should consult a doctor.
Ball implant
A specific but no less popular method to increase the circumference of the male genital organ is marble implantation. They are made of hypoallergenic materials. This procedure allows you to increase the thickness of the penis in certain areas.
As a result, during intimacy, your partner's erogenous spots will be further stimulated. The advantages of the procedure include relative ease of implementation.
Implantation of foreign bodies is performed not only by a surgeon, but also by a specialist in the field of body modification.
When inserting various materials under the skin, men should be aware of the risk of complications. Inflammation and material rejection are likely to occur.
How is the procedure performed?

All operations must be performed extremely carefully
The video describing penis traction recommends placing the ring at the base of the penis. Soft and elastic rings should be placed on the erect penis. They will create moderate pressure, enhancing erection ability. But it is recommended to wear hard rings when resting.
The device can also be placed on the testicles, squeezing them under the penis. This must be done very carefully
You can pull both the penis and the testicles with a rope, but this is dangerous - as soon as you tighten the rope a little tighter, the risk of damage to the organs increases. Additionally, the string can hurt your skin.
Many men use rubber bands regularly. It is not recommended to tighten the penis with a simple thin elastic band - it will dig deep into the skin and can damage not only the epidermis, but also blood vessels. This will lead to dangerous circulatory disorders, which can lead to the development of vascular impotence.
Penile traction is performed immediately before sexual intercourse
It is important to take precautions and not overuse this operation.
Penile morphological disorder
This industry continues to grow. Thanks in large part to pornography and pop culture, men have become literally obsessed. They develop unrealistic expectations about what a penis should look like.
Psychologists call it "micropenis anxiety" or "penile dysmorphic disorder (PDD)" - an irrational, unshakable belief that the size of the penis is unsatisfactory. "This is something that keeps going through our heads. You watch porn and all the actors have huge penises. But don't forget that they often use many different tricks and achieve an erection in one go. "artificial way. Don't believe everything you see on the screen, " Cohen concluded.
So what will we get in the end? Let me paraphrase a famous saying: "It's better to have a bird in your hand than to see a urologist. "
with tears in his eyes".
What patients need to know
Phimosis in adults, in addition to specific external manifestations, also manifests in the following symptoms:
- discomfort and pain during sex;
- decreased potency;
- premature ejaculation;
- presence of purulent fluid;
- an increase in the size of the inguinal lymph nodes;
- increased body temperature.
With the disease, the sensitivity of the male genital organs decreases, which often becomes an obstacle to achieving orgasm. This happens because the nerve receptors located in the ligaments and foreskin are not stimulated.

The sooner a man consults a doctor, the better his chances of curing phimosis without surgery. In this way, the pathology can be eliminated if there are no scars or adhesions.
If the disease is not treated, there is a risk of dangerous diseases such as penile and prostate cancer, urinary stones, and genital necrosis. There is a possibility of developing infertility.
Consequences and first aid

What happens if a man's frenulum fails? Of course, the answer to this question interests all representatives of the stronger sex. According to statistics, every second man, regardless of age, experiences this problem.
If the frenulum has previously been torn, there is a risk that it will be torn repeatedly in the future because there is a violation of the integrity of the connective tissue. Regeneration occurs with the formation of multiple scars, which leads to a decrease in the length of the frenulum and a decrease in its elasticity.
Penile erosion: causes, symptoms and treatment
If the frenulum on the head is not treated, this will lead to its incomplete coverage, which over time will lead to problems during sexual intercourse. Incomplete skin contact during intimacy leads to psychological discomfort, which only aggravates the situation.
Practice shows that constant anticipation of a second breakup reduces the quality of intimate life, since a man is afraid of sudden moves and constantly limits himself. In turn, this affects the feeling of orgasm and sexual satisfaction is reduced.
So what to do if you have a torn frenulum on your head? First of all, don't panic. When this type of injury occurs, intense bleeding is found, which is quite difficult to stop. Therefore, you need to act slowly and carefully so as not to make the problem worse.
First aid for a torn frenulum includes the following measures:
- Use your fingers to gently pinch the frenulum or press on the tip of the reproductive organ. Don't press or squeeze too hard. You can stay in this position for a maximum of 10 minutes, no more.
- Once you have stopped the bleeding yourself, the wound surface needs to be treated with antibacterial medication. For example, you can use ordinary hydrogen peroxide or the drug Chlorhexidine.
- Absolutely do not bandage the wound because bandaging can cause blood to stagnate, leading to serious consequences over time.
After taking home remedies, you should see a urologist. If the wound heals on its own, there is a risk of scar tissue developing. Your medical professional will prescribe a specific treatment, possibly referring you to frenulum cosmetic surgery. This operation helps eliminate scar tissue formation and, consequently, repeated tearing.
Jelqing (milking technique) is a set of stretching exercises aimed at lengthening the penis. The creation of excess blood pressure in the corpus cavernosum contributes to an increase in the volume of cellular structures. The elongation of the tunica albuginea then leads to the formation of spaces in the penis, where new units of erectile tissue are formed over time. Penis lengthening is possible if the following manual techniques are followed correctly:
- warm the tissues of the penis with warm compresses or warm water;
- Grasp the non-erect penis with the index finger and thumb at the base (finger grip OK);
- Squeeze the shaft as tightly as possible and stretch the ring from your finger to the tip of the penis;
- Massage the organs alternately with the left and right hands for 15-20 minutes.
Important! To avoid damaging penile tissue, use a wet jelqing technique.
Kegel exercises
Kegel gymnastics is a set of simple exercises that involve training the so-called pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle). Penile enlargement occurs due to the growth of muscles and increased tone of the PC muscle, which supports the penis in a "standing" position when erect. To detect it, it is enough to try to interrupt the act of urinating.
- Slowly tighten your PC muscle and hold in this position for 5 seconds;
- relax tense muscles very slowly so that all muscle fibers are active;
- Repeat the exercise 10-15 more times;
It is important to understand that muscle mass increases slowly and only with regular exercise. To really impact your penis size, perform Kegel exercises at least 3 times a day for 60 days.
The modified Taoist technique is a set of exercises described in detail in the best-selling book "On male sexuality". With its help, you can increase penis diameter by at least 1. 5 cm within a month. The exercise is performed as follows:
- Grab the head of the penis with your right hand and start stretching it in up and down, left and right directions;
- Repeat the stretch in each direction at least 10 times;
- By stroking the head, the penis becomes 70% erect;
- Hold the barrel with your finger ring at the base, gradually pushing the blood to the tip;
- then do 2-3 light jelqs and repeat the exercise a few more times.
Before increasing penis size at home, consult a urologist. Vascular techniques are not recommended for people with vegetative dystonia and blood clotting disorders.
Is it possible to increase the thickness of the penis without surgery, external means and devices, without spending money and without adverse reactions from the body? There are several effective exercises that help increase penis size.
Exercises to stretch the dense membrane of the penis - protein tunic - with vascular massage:
- penis is warmed, brought to a good erection and grasped firmly at the base with the thumb and forefinger - grip OK;
- it is necessary to compress the blood vessels and not "release" blood from the penis;
- push more blood into the penis by squeezing the pubococcygeus muscle and temporarily loosening the OK grip, then squeezing as the blood enters the penis;
- The organ must achieve 100% erection.
Be sure to use a lubricant or slip enhancer.
- With the second hand, make an OK grip at the top of the head and guide your fingers toward the base of the head. For 10-15 seconds, you need to run your fingers over the entire head;
- linger on base for 10 seconds;
- The first hand at this time must not weaken the OK handle and remain motionless;
- make 5-10 such movements along the head of the penis and change hands;
- The task of the stationary hand is to hold the handle as tightly as possible while moving along the head.
The purpose of the operation is to move blood from the tip of the penis down to the tunic and lock it there, the organ will swell, the tunic must stretch.
Penis thrusting
A traumatic exercise, only for experienced NUPers - men who naturally enlarge their penis. It aims to increase the thickness of the organ.

- Before manipulation, the penis must be prepared - warm up in any convenient way for no more than 10 minutes and perform preparatory jelqing movements for 5-10 minutes.
- The organ must be 80-100% erect.
- The thumb is placed at the base of the penis, the rest is pressed from below into the depression in the area of junction of the corpora cavernosa - almost in the scrotum itself.
- The hand is moved with force towards the head and when moved backwards the grip is loosened.
- Repeat several times, gradually increasing to 15 times.
This method is universal. With its help, you can lengthen a shrunken T-shirt made of any material.
To carry out the procedure, you will need a basin, cotton cloth, iron and 2 clothespins. All this can be found at home, you don't even have to buy anything.
How to stretch a T-shirt - algorithm of actions:
- Pour some water into the basin so that it covers the clothes. The temperature should be 30–40 degrees. If you add hot water, the t-shirt may shrink more.
- Leave to soak for a quarter of an hour.
- After the time allotted for the procedure has elapsed, remove the item from the liquid. Squeeze gently, no need to twist, just use your hands to remove excess water. Twisting is contraindicated because the t-shirt will stretch unevenly. In addition, you should not squeeze like that if the object has printing or engraving on it.
- Spread the previously soaked T-shirt on a flat surface. Place one piece of cotton fabric on the bottom, the second piece on top of the sweater.
- Turn on the steam function on the iron and iron the product on both sides. During the process, carefully stretch the item into the correct position, just make sure the stretch is even. Otherwise, the item will appear misshapen and will end up not fitting your body properly.
- After that, the tank top or t-shirt needs to be hung on the clothesline. How to do it correctly: each item is hemmed at the bottom, tucked along this line and secured with a clothespin. The neckline will pull the fabric. In no case should you hang clothespins on the sides so that the inner flaps can freely come out. The product may not stretch properly. As a result, the middle will stay the same but will stretch along the side seams.
This method is absolutely safe, budget-friendly (you don't have to pay anything) and effective. If the technique is performed correctly, you can stretch a cotton T-shirt one size larger.
Permanent implants placed under the skin have been available for decades. They were previously used to treat patients with intractable erectile dysfunction. The average index is as follows: the thickness of the penis increased by 56. 7%. A pretty good result. And after two years, 81% of men reported being "high" or "very high. "
satisfaction with your new sex life.
But despite this, the number of urologists who approve of such an intervention can be counted only on one hand. "Penile implants are for men with erectile dysfunction that cannot be resolved with more conservative treatments, " says Landon Trost, MD, a urologist at the clinic. Landon also warns that such activities are very risky. There is a high chance of complications. "The majority of sexual medicine experts do not recommend the use of fillers or implants for these purposes, " Trost warns.