The size of the penis in men is a hot topic. If for some reason they perceive their "dignity" to be too small (thin, slow - selectable), then no one can practically convince them otherwise. At the same time, the size of the penis is not a parameter that can be achieved by any effort, such as muscle gained after exhausting training. Male sex organs are the result of a combination of genetic factors and high levels of testosterone during the body's in-utero formation. However, men at all times will not be interested, but is it possible to enlarge the penis?
Penis size is a cause for concern
Statistics, listened to by a fairly small number of men with complexities about the size of the penis, say that the limits of normal penis size can vary. So, the penis is distinguished:
- small (in the erect state - from 9. 5 to 10-12 cm);
- normal (12-14 cm);
- large (more than 14 cm).
And although within these limits any size of the penis is normal, in modern society it is almost impossible for a man to judge his body impartially. It is generally accepted that the greater the attractiveness of a man, the greater the length and thickness of the penis. It is suggested that a large organ not only looks attractive and spectacular (it can be noticed even in clothes), but also gives women more pleasure.
In the opinion of the doctors, they believe that it may be advisable to increase the size of the penis if its total size is less than 9. 5 cm, and this presents a real problem for the "owner". " its. In other cases, increments are not needed, as it is not possible to "drive" a parameter corresponding to individual structural characteristics into the framework of the standard.
Theoretically: is penis enlargement necessary and possible?
Thinking about whether it is possible to increase the size of the penis, as well as studying the methods of performing this action, a man must understand: the main procedures that allow you to increase the size of the penis cannot be reversedreverse. That is why, before deciding on such an event, it is advisable to consult with a male doctor or urologist as well as a psychologist.
Statistics clearly show that: even with penis enlargement procedures, in the vast majority of cases men are still not satisfied with the results. Obviously, the centimeters of the penis obtained have no effect on the ability to communicate with women and give them physical pleasure. Furthermore, to get a bigger and thicker penis requires considerable patience, a large amount of time, physical endurance, including those related to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In principle, thanks to modern medicine, the penis can be increased, but not all men have the desire and patience to give up, such as alcohol, smoking, for the procedure to be performed. do not cause too much harm to health.
If we talk directly about the activities that allow you to enlarge the penis, then they are conditionally divided into two categories: those with which the actual increase is possible and those that promise only the effect. desired result. The first ones include:
- use of vacuum devices;
- the use of devices that perform external tissue stretching;
- surgical intervention.
The use of the so-called vacuum device (pump) is a non-surgical method, the meaning of which is to "train" the tissues of the penis, which gradually leads to their lengthening. In fact, the pump is the simplest mechanism: a cylinder in which an expansion rod is located, and a vacuum pump that regulates the pressure level in the cylinder. With the help of the pump, the air is sucked out of the space around the penis, a rare atmosphere is created, which promotes the flow of blood to the tissues of the male organs and stimulates the erection. increase their size.
The extender, or external stretching device, is a means of regular practice, ideally daily, whereby the length of the penis will increase by 1. 5-3 cm in 4-6 months withoutwithout surgery. If you use a extender after surgery to lengthen the penis, the results will be even more noticeable.
Surgery is the most radical way to achieve several goals at once:
- increased thickness of the male genitalia;
- increase the length of the penis;
- conduct a combined increase in the length and thickness of the penis;
- correction of organ distortion with simultaneous correction of dimensions;
- Correction of erectile dysfunction with simultaneous adjustment of sizes.
All of the above is accomplished by surgical intervention in the ligamentous system that immobilizes the cavernous bodies of the penis to the suprapubic region. After surgery of the so-called supporting ligament, one of the following options may be made:
- prosthetic implantation (preliminary transverse incisions of albuginea are made);
- transplant with stretching;
- detachment operation (separation of cavernous bodies from each other and placement between their head and the tip of the implant);
- microsurgical auto-implantation (wrapping the penis with pieces of implantable tissue);
- subcutaneous injection of a certain amount of the patient's own adipose tissue or a flap of subcutaneous fat;
- surgery with longitudinal tunica incisions with insertion of inserts from the patient's own vein or other materials.
The results that doctors can achieve with penis enlargement surgery are between 2. 5-3 cm in length. It is this increase that is considered not only the norm, but also the successful result of the operation. As for the increase in thickness, the outcome depends on the wishes of the patient and the ability of the surgeon, and the main condition is uniform thickness, while maintaining the contour of the body and not forming bulges. graft.
The second type of funds to increase the size of the penis - all creams, ointments, pills and folk remedies. Many men think of such a need, but are afraid of surgery, search for information on the Internet, read reviews, which in most cases contain lies. The whole truth is that it is impossible to achieve penis enlargement in such ways. The maximum extent to which the listed funds are likely (if they really contain useful ingredients) is to strengthen and prolong an erection, which will not change the quantitative indicators of the penis, butwill improve its "performance". And the fact that certain ingredients of the product stimulate blood flow to the genitals, making an erection look "improved" and more dramatic, is an effect that, while helpful, is temporary. time.
How to enlarge the penis and it's real

It is so arranged that a person is far from always satisfied with what he has. This girl, who owns a beautiful body, is constantly trying to lose weight - constant dieting, exhausting training.
Or having curls, she constantly uses a flat iron to straighten it. Not only representatives of the disadvantaged half of society are not satisfied with their appearance. This also applies to men.
Perhaps the most common problem of representatives of the strong half of society is the small size of the penis. The second most common problem is validity. As you can see, these two topics are related to each other. Therefore, the question posed in the vast World Wide Web: "How to enlarge the penis? " occurs quite often.
There is a lot of information on the Internet, sometimes unreliable. This cannot be verified. As a result, many people continue to rely on inaccurate initial information for the rest of their lives. And as a result, teenagers no longer ask for advice from their old teammates, they simply type a question into a search engine and instantly find what their ancestors once did. can only guess. And this is where many people fall into the trap of as much untrue information as exaggerated information.
Now more about the normal size of the penis:
- If the size of the penis is 8 cm long, then this is called "micropenis". According to statistics, 1% of representatives of the strong half of society are endowed with such dignity.
- A small member is an organ reaching a length of 8-12 cm. Two percent of the male population on the planet has such an organ.
- Penis length of 12 cm is considered normal, 55% of men are endowed with this size.
- Penis, more than fifteen centimeters in size - above average.
- The representative of the powerful half of society, whose genitalia are 20 cm long, is the owner of an impressive penis.
If you are one of those people who cannot resist and measure their body, but in the end you are not satisfied with the results, here is some extra material for you about impressive size.
- The larger the penis, the greater the blood flow. This is the only way to return the body to the desired state.
- Any, even a little discharge, can negatively affect an erection and, therefore, the quality of sex.
- Organ formation ends around age 18. Then any change in its width or length is just a visual illusion.
- Penis reduction can be caused by excess weight. On average, every five pounds gain "steals" one centimeter of the penis. Again, all the changes are visual, in fact, the visceral remains unchanged.
- The penis can actually be reduced (no visual effect). And this is because, as a rule, the level of androgens decreases. So, for example, bodybuilders who use drugs that cause hormonal imbalances often experience problems such as a decrease in the penis in general and during erections.
- In addition, a reduced penis can be caused by incorrect and unsuccessful lengthening operations. Errors may be due to the low level of expertise of the surgeon or due to physiological characteristics.

Not everyone thinks about the depth of the vagina, but rather, most people don't know about it, and when having sex for the first time, they know only one value. The average depth of the vagina is 10 cm, which means that for normal sex, a penis size of 15 cm is quite enough. The tissues of the vagina are elastic, they allow you to adjust to a certain length and width.
They allow you to provide more and more pleasure to your partner every time. Constantly changing sexual partners is not welcome, as it affects sensitivity and does not benefit those who represent the weaker half of society. Of course, size matters. And this applies not only to the length of the penis, but also to its thickness. But it's impossible to say exactly how people fit together without a reality check. Also, don't forget that sex is the art of mutual understanding, and not just breadth, length, and depth.
Can increase male dignity. Although sometimes it takes years to achieve satisfactory results. Penis enlargement is a laborious and arduous process, but quite realistic. Today, there are many ways and techniques to increase the penis. Some of them are more effective, others less. In any case, the choice of method is yours. The main thing is to get acquainted with all the details of the chosen method.
It is possible to enlarge the penis with the help of surgical intervention, as well as folk remedies and special devices.
You can lengthen your body with the help of stretching, weight gainers, a hydraulic pump, special exercises, medications and home remedies, especially soda. Helps with problem solving and cosmetics, including creams. The main thing, before applying this or that technique, is that you must be familiar with its technique. This is necessary to prevent mechanical injuries and the development of complications.
Penis enlargement at home: popular methods

There are many methods and techniques that contribute to penis enlargement. Many of them can be easily applied at home. It is not necessary to seek medical attention, especially the help of a plastic surgeon.
In addition, how to enlarge the penis at home will cost about the same as the equipment on which you will perform the procedure. The cost of surgical methods is very high. One of the most popular penis enlargement techniques is jelqing. Reviews about her are extremely positive. Many people using this method have achieved what they wanted. For greater clarity, jelqing refers to a set of exercises, the implementation of which has a beneficial effect on the penis. Special exercises contribute to a marked increase in the penis and increase the glans. This technique has absorbed the skills of manual penis enlargement, which man has accumulated for millennia.
The use of jelqing contributes to:
- stimulates blood circulation;
- increased pressure inside the body;
- development of cavernous fibers;
- the formation of new cells in the mass.
Cell growth is a completely natural and natural process. This technique just kicks in and stimulates it. In addition, jelqing contributes to a significant increase in sexual performance and endurance. There are different jelqing techniques. They differ only in details. Rule one - "milking". The main movement is the grip of the fingers of the penis at the base and the movement of the hand towards the head. The member, stretched, is filled with blood.
To complete the exercises well, you need to buy a cream or spray. It will help you to achieve results faster. Some techniques do not require lubrication. Keep this in mind when choosing a technique. Don't skimp on lube, or you'll rub your penis. In addition, such savings will result in tissue breakage and inability to engage in jelqing for the next two weeks.
You also shouldn't replace specially designed products with soaps, shampoos, or other formulations. This is fraught with discomfort and injury. Penis enlargement using this technique is possible only if the organ is in a semi-active state. Performing exercise when fully excited can damage the blood vessels and tissues of the organ.

Technique 1. After applying lubricant, wrap your hand around the penis and slide it along the shaft a few times, while keeping the hand clenched at the tip for a few seconds.
This is the first stage - preparation. If you don't need it, you can move on to the next step - the exercise.
Use your thumb to firmly grasp the penis at the base. Gently pull the guitar down. Do this two hundred times. Of course, it will be difficult at first, therefore, when it is too much, it is better to interrupt the exercise. As soon as the penis reaches the required level of stimulation, you can continue. The entire course is three months. During the first week, do it every day for ten minutes (usually ten minutes), in the second week - 300 (15 minutes). Do this exercise for 20 minutes.
Technique 2. After lubricating the organ, wrap your arms around the base and pull down and to the right. Then do the exercise on the other side. Do the exercise slowly at first. Do 50 movements on the right and the same on the left every day. Each day increase the number of exercises - up to 200.
Technique 3. In this case, perform the exercises from the first and second techniques without lubrication.
Technique 4. This is essentially technique 1, but the exercise is performed very slowly. After applying lubricant, grasp the penis with your fingers at the base and slowly do the head exercises. The head will swell and bleed. Lock position for ten seconds. The duration of the exercise is ten minutes.
All exercises according to the mode of operation are divided into stretching and thickening. They are performed with the help of hands, either mechanical devices or loads.
Stretching, vascular and complementary exercises:
- We increase potency
- Stand up straight, back straight. Raise your knees alternately with your abdomen.
- Relax and tighten the gluteal muscles and perineum (when standing on half-bent legs).
- Lie down on the floor. Elevate your pelvis.
- Increase the length of the penis
- Forced erection or "Kegel". Lubricate the penis with cream. Grip the penis with your fingers and make vertical reciprocating movements.
- Lengthen. Stretch the relaxing member very slowly (for fifteen seconds). Do the exercise ten times.
- We increase the width of the penis. This includes exercises from the Jelqing technique, as well as compression and bending exercises.
How to enlarge your penis with extenders, weights, massagers and pumps
You can increase the penis, its diameter, thickness, length not only with the help of various devices, but also with the help of massage. An independent manual technique not only contributes to the lengthening of the organ, but also increases sexual performance and endurance. In addition, massage has a beneficial effect on an erection, as well as its duration.
Before talking about how to enlarge your penis with massage, I want to tell you about the basic rules for doing it:
- Prepare before the massage. For this purpose, you should use warm compresses. Dip a small towel in warm water, wring it out, and wrap it around the instrument. Compression changes every three minutes (three times).
- The massage should be done daily.
- Combine massage with the use of oral tablets (functional foods or homeopathic remedies to increase penis size).
- Do not massage if you are under the influence of alcohol.
Technique 1. Use your hands to grasp the top of the guitar, squeeze it tight. Compression should not impede blood circulation. Pull your head toward the floor. After a minute, you can increase the tension.
Technique 2. Squeeze the head first with two fingers, then use the whole hand. Do everything carefully, do not rush. Drag the member toward the floor for one minute. Next, you rest, relax the penis. Then repeat. Do the exercise twenty times.
Technique 3. Grip the penis with your index finger and thumb. Squeeze the organ and move from its base to the top. Stop from time to time.
How to enlarge penis with dumbbells

This technique is old but effective. It was used and is still used in some African tribes. The essence of the technique is to suspend and fasten the load on the penis. The long-lasting effect contributes to an increase in penis size in both length and width.
Goods should be easy to use and small in size. It is also important to have as many weight-generating agents as possible. In this case, it will be possible to calculate the load and gradually increase it over time.
Before the procedure, massage or apply a compress. Then install the weighing locking system on the back of the head and install the scale automatically. Start with a small weight. Lack of preparation will lead to injury. The load should be increased gradually. You can hang the weighing agent in any position.
Do not allow blood to stagnate in the head. Occasionally, remove scales and immobilizers and massage. Extenders, extenders, extenders, extenders - all these devices belong to the same family of devices that increase the length and width of the organ, as well as correct the curvature of the shaft of the penis.
The principle of action of all such devices is the same and includes a daily (at least five hours), long-lasting (at least three months), small (500-200 grams) effect on the penis. As a result, the body responds to external influences by forming new cells in the load-bearing area.
The design of the devices is somewhat different, but the essence of the mechanism is the same - the penis is fixed with clamps that provide tension to the flesh. Another way to influence men's size is a vacuum pump.
The principle of operation of such an instrument is to create a vacuum in the pump, where the male sex organ is actually located, so that the amount of blood reaching it increases and it also increases in size. However, based on the comments of men who have experienced the same method, we can conclude that inflating has a positive effect, but it is not significant and only temporary.
How to enlarge the penis in other ways

Today on the market there are many different drugs in the form of creams, gels, ointments, sprays, which tell how to use them to increase the size of the penis unimaginable. However, in reality, of course, not everything is so rosy, among them there are things that really have a positive effect, but there are still more funds of a confusing nature, which can leave nonot only the unpleasant aftertaste caused by deceived hopes, but also affect men's health.
Therefore, before using such methods, you should consult a specialist in this field and learn really how to enlarge the penis without unwanted consequences. Another way to enlarge the penis is surgery. Modern surgery and microsurgery to correct the penis is based on grafting tissue from other parts of the body.
Thus, the male diameter can be increased by 1-2 cm, if a more significant result is desired, a muscle tissue transplant is recommended, but this method is much more complicated. The duration of the operation and the postoperative recovery time is much longer than in the first case, which should be borne in mind when deciding on such a step.
As you can see, there are many ways and techniques that help and tell how to enlarge the penis. If you are thinking seriously about enhancing your dignity, all you have to do is choose the technique that works best for you. In addition, other methods can be used, for example, condom nozzles, injections.
To increase the penis by ten centimeters is unlikely to succeed. But here you will be able to raise self-esteem, get rid of complexes. By enlarging the organ, you will be able to express all your sexual desires, giving the maximum pleasure to the woman. Furthermore, massage and exercise are beneficial for the functioning of the penis. By using them regularly, you won't have to use pills to increase potency.